code :
from collections import defaultdict
# dictionay = hashmap
# multiple values -> defaultdictionary
class Solution:
def isValidSudoku(self, board: List[List[str]]) -> bool:
# 3 Hashmaps
# - Key : row
# - Key : column
# - Key : 9 section
# hash function to get key with (row, column)
# key = 3*int(row/3) + column//3
rowHash = defaultdict()
colHash = defaultdict()
secHash = defaultdict()
# hashFunction
def getKey(row :int, column :int) -> int :
key = 3*int(row/3) + column//3
print(f'row,column:{row},{column} key:{key}')
return key
for r in range(len(board)) :
for c in range(len(board[r])) :
# 1.check dot
if board[r][c] == '.':
number = board[r][c]
# 2. check row
if r in rowHash:
if number in rowHash[r]:
print(f'{r},{c} key:{r}')
return False
rowHash.setdefault(r, []).append(number) #key: r
# 3. check column
if c in colHash:
if number in colHash[c]:
print(f'{r},{c} key:{c}')
return False
colHash.setdefault(c, []).append(number) #key: c
# 4. check section
key = getKey(r,c)
if key in secHash:
if number in secHash[key]:
print(f'{r},{c} key:{key}')
return False
secHash.setdefault(key, []).append(number) #key: return value of getKey method
return True
output : false
expected : true
stdout : 4,0 key:1.3333333333333333
Explanation :
Create 3 kind of hashmap to examin this number is already exist
3 kind of hashmap means 3 different of keys : row, column, section
row and column hashmap is easy to get key
but for the section key, I created hash function : row will be more weighted
to get key, first divide row by 3 and multiple 3 times and use reminder divided by 3
*One thing that I should care of is when you divide number in python they will return me float number not integer type.
So I need to convert it to Integer.